A small webpage for displaying the results of a Server ping
<!DOCTYPE html>
html {
background: url(https://negativerocks.co.uk/Files/Header.png) center no-repeat;
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#rest {
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color: #000d42
<div class="card">
<div class="icon">
<img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/808180587605331969/u-CULTwl_400x400.jpg" id="favicon"></div>
<div class="header">
<div class="image"> <img src="https://negativerocks.co.uk/Files/Header.png" alt="" /> </div>
<h2>B&C SMP</h2>
<!-- put server name here !-->
<div id="rest">Loading ...</div>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
//based on a pen by @robinselmer
var url = "https://api.minetools.eu/ping/mineserver.charliestelling.co.uk/25565"; //insert server here
$.getJSON(url, function(r) {
//data is the JSON string
if (r.error) {
$('#rest').html('Server Offline');
return false;
var pl = '';
if (r.players.sample.length > 0) {
pl = '<br>OP: ' + r.players.sample[0].name;
$('#rest').html(r.description.replace(/§(.+?)/gi, '') + '<br><b>Players Online:</b> ' + r.players.online + pl + '<br><b>mineserver.charliestelling.co.uk</b>');
$('#favicon').attr('src', r.favicon);